Sunday, March 19, 2006


WELL the security has always been an issue but then the hackers n the crackers sometime turn nasty. For eg... this is wt i cam across while browsing one of ma favourite security info site. The article mentions about a new variety of unusually powerful Internet attacks, that can overwhelm popular Web sites and disrupt e-mails by exploiting the computers that help manage global Internet traffic, It was first detected late last year, the new attacks direct such massive amounts of spurious data against victim computers that even flagship technology companies could not cope.
It further went on to explain about the cases examined in south africa where the unknown assailant apparently seized control of an Internet name server in South Africa and deliberately corrupted its contents.

Name servers are specialized computers that help direct Internet traffic to its destinations.
The attacker then sent falsified requests to the compromised directory computer, which unleashed overwhelming floods of amplified data aimed wherever the attacker wanted.


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